Android Has An Interesting Couple Of Days
Posted by Benny Torres | November 6, 2008Our very own gPhone addict Matt Story is constantly extolling the virtues of his new baby, the T-Mobile G1. For the uninformed – the G1 is the first phone to use Google’s “open source” phone OS named Android. This has been a busy couple of weeks for the Android platform. Most importantly, this week hackers were able to – allowing anyone and everyone (who is nerdy enough) to peer into the platform’s innards and do all kinds of fun stuff. Jailbreaking the iPhone allowed users to load custom apps nearly a year before there was the App Store – so a jailbroken G1 can only mean good (or at least interesting) things. I’ve got to think that from now on – no marginally advanced phone OS is going to be free from being “jailbroken.” More G1 news after the jump…