Android Has An Interesting Couple Of Days

Posted by Benny Torres | November 6, 2008


Our very own gPhone addict Matt Story is constantly extolling the virtues of his new baby, the T-Mobile G1. For the uninformed – the G1 is the first phone to use Google’s “open source” phone OS named Android. This has been a busy couple of weeks for the Android platform. Most importantly, this week hackers were able to – allowing anyone and everyone (who is nerdy enough) to peer into the platform’s innards and do all kinds of fun stuff. Jailbreaking the iPhone allowed users to load custom apps nearly a year before there was the App Store – so a jailbroken G1 can only mean good (or at least interesting) things. I’ve got to think that from now on – no marginally advanced phone OS is going to be free from being “jailbroken.” More G1 news after the jump…

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Abraham Obama

Posted by Anisha Ahluwalia | November 6, 2008

Sure, Obama has not been subtle in channeling Abraham Lincoln- from announcing his candidacy in Springfield right up to quoting him in his acceptance speech.

Think this is going too far, but a provocative piece of art nonetheless.



A Welcoming Gift

Posted by Eric Bee | November 6, 2008

It’s Opening Day for our little corner of the internet, so let’s kick it off with a quick video to set the mood. Lower your lights, chill your beverage, and settle in for a piece of cinema history.

I give you Black Belt Jones.

After the jump (hey look, I’m a Gawker Media site), it’s Bas Rutten. He’ll be giving you some instructions on how to defend yourself if things get hairy during your visit to


Disaster Girl, the latest Internet Craze

Posted by Matt Gibbs | November 6, 2008


Will Disaster Girl soon reach MEME status? Probably not, but it’s a fun community involvement concept created by BuzzFeed.

Hurts or Helps?

Posted by Stephanie Huynh | November 6, 2008

This year, celebs came-a-flockin’ supporting the historic election. From Oprah to George Clooney to Jon Voight, the famous (and even not-so-famous) rallied to get the vote out. Whether they supported John McCain or (now President-Elect) Barack Obama, the point was: get out there and vote. Vote for a cause, vote for your leader, and vote for yourself.

Recently, Carrie Underwood spoke out stating she lost all respect for celebrities who endorsed specific candidates as it implied that American public “wasn’t smart enough to make their own decisions.” A bit extreme, considering anyone who be slightly famous ought to sit back, for it could imply Americans weren’t smart enough to make decisions on their own.

At the same time…maybe there are certain “celebrities” that should sit this one out.