
Social Media Week is in full swing all around the globe, bringing six different cities together for a conference and discussion connected digitally. In New York, Denuologist Saneel Radia particpated on a panel about the benefits of crowdsourcing, titled, “CROWDSOURCERY POTIONS 101: WHY SOME MARKETING POTIONS FAIL AND OTHERS THRIVE.” The discussion ranged from the very definition of crowdsourcing, to looking at its effect on not only a business’ bottom line, but also the cultural aspects of a business and the impact on control within the organization.

Saneel was joined by Ty Montague, Co-President and Chief Creative Officer of JWT North America, Michael Lebowitz, Founder and CEO of Big Spaceship, and Faris Yakob, EVP Chief Technology Strategist at McCann Erickson New York. The event was moderated by John Winsor, CEO at Victors & Spoils. Check out the video below and get some real-time comments from the conference by reading our .

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