
My Reluctant Obsession

Posted by Stephanie Huynh | November 14, 2012

As a late bloomer to Pinterest, I just didn’t get the whole thing: why would I “pin” something that I could just bookmark in my browser folder? I can always right-click and save images into my personal desktop. Why would I follow people whom I don’t know and risk myself to whatever THEY wanted to pin? On top of that, I don’t have any followers and that is just embarrassing.

That’s how I feel most users start with Pinterest. It looks intimidating with sensory overload and an endless supply of scrolling. I mean, when will I know when I’ve reached the end of the Pinterest? (Hint: there is no such thing as the end of Pinterest).

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Denuo Meme to Close Out the Week

Posted by John Durbin | April 20, 2012

I had a whole post planned about emoticons. It had a provocative title: “Emoticons: The Most Important Advancement in Digital Culture Since the Internet.” It’s a little wordy, but totes provocative, amirite? It was based on the idea that since we’ve moved to such text heavy communication in the digital age, it is easy to misconstrue meaning. However, facial expressions are universal so emoticons can provide the subtext to conversation that we’re otherwise lacking. The issue, of course, is that subtext is most important when interacting with someone you don’t know very well but if there is anyone you shouldn’t use emoticons with (especially as a dude in his early 30′s) it is someone you don’t know very well. Then I would launch into a plea that we erase the stigma of emoticons because it’s a way to show emotion with anyone in the world.

Except for this critical detail. Apparently it isn’t. The article even calls out emoticons. What haters. But we at Denuo are never phased by a late audible, so here’s the fun we’ll have instead.

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Tastes Like: One Tiny Hand Mad Men Movie Tattoo

Posted by Sarah Chiappetta | March 23, 2012

This week is full of funzies: tattoos that vibrate, celebs with one tiny hand and a Mad Men YouTube game.

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Denuo-U: Smizing Explained

Posted by Stephanie Huynh | April 19, 2011


Are you disappointed in your lack of photo-posing skills? Do you have frands with arm-squishing issues? Do you want to see Denuologists photoshopped with scary smize eyes? Then DenuoU is back with our latest educational SlideShare, Smize: More Than Just Smiling.

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Peace, Harmony, Tranquility, Advertising

Posted by Lizzy Bogacki | April 12, 2011


As my first three months here at Denuo come to a close, I can’t help but compare my new environment to my old. I began here as an administrative assistant in January, leaving behind a career as a massage therapist. I went from working at a small but busy spa one mile from my apartment to working in a giant building in downtown Chicago. My five hour work days that began at 3PM have become 8.5 hour work days that start at 6AM. A casual stroll to work has become a full-speed walk to trains where I sit for 50 minutes trying to avoid eye contact with everyone around me. And really, let’s not even talk about the elevators.

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