Archive for August, 2011


Posted by Lizzy Bogacki | August 22, 2011


In this issue you can enjoy the following:

  • Street Fighter Stop Motion: This YouTube video features a stop motion fight between two Street Fighter action figures. It’s a great example of the way the idea of universality of photos also works for videos.
  • Sad Etsy Dogs: This photo blog finds images of dogs on etsy modeling their owners creations. Let’s just say they look very pathetic. It shouldn’t be funny, but it is.
  • Hey Marty!: Sometimes quick, little one hits online are the funniest. This image and comment are matched perfectly. Just check it out.
  • Everyone Killed by Jason: This infographic is a bit morbid and pretty awesome. It represents everyone killed by Jason in all 12 films. You don’t have to have seen them all to appreciate both the excellence of data visualization represented as well just how blood thirsty Jason really was.

Download Issue 90 of Reflecteur here.

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My Ideal Summer Vacation App

Posted by Catherine Zhang | August 14, 2011


It’s summer, the time of the year when we book our trips, tweet our vacation plans, and set up our auto-replies. In two weeks, I will be traveling to Russia, starting in St. Petersburg and cruising down the Volga River until I reach Moscow. Before I give off the wrong message, I’m not one of those epic explorers you see on TV shows, or busy consultants who travel intensely with suits and briefcases. I’m just a regular vacationer. As a kid, my parents would take me somewhere new every few months, and now it’s become a custom to travel.

Recently, I realized that aside from my favorite destinations, some of the places I’ve been to have begun to blur together. I needed a better way to keep track of travel memories.

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Posted by Lizzy Bogacki | August 10, 2011


Most of the time we tend to focus on the more serious side of digital culture or, at least, we look at more serious reasons why people are sharing. But we all know that most of the internet is just plain silly. It’s about time for us to give it it’s proper due. Therefore, in this issue you will get to learn about four amazingly ridiculous items:

  • 600 points, no deaths is a video of one player beating the original Super Mario Bros with the (almost) lowest score possible. There was one accidental goomba squish in there. Why would anyone do that? And why is it so impressive?
  • Hipster or Jesus is a photo blog that takes photos of hipsters that “look like” Jesus and asks if we think it’s actually him or just some weird hipster. The copy is what really makes this site amazing.
  • Best Backyard Battle Ever is an over-the-top, unbelievably awesome and bizarre video of a father and son’s backyard battle with little green soldiers and various other toys. It’s completely ridiculous and everyone of us wished our dad had played like this.
  • Darth Malkoff vs The Apple Store is Mark Malkoff’s attempt to see just what will get you kicked out of an Apple store. He couldn’t figure it out, but the video of his tests is great. It’s also a wonderful example of what happens when a brand embraces being a playground for its users.

Finally, this issue highlights the newest asset in the Reflecteur arsenal: This site will feature all of the publication articles as well as original content. You can RSS the site as well as follow us on Twitter(@DigiCultEx) or fan us on Facebook. We hope you all take a moment to check out the new site.

Download Issue 89 of Reflecteur here.

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2011 Lollapalooza Recap

Posted by John Durbin | August 8, 2011

lollapalooza 2011

“Every year since 2005, Lollapalooza (a three day music festival) has taken place in Grant Park here in Chicago (Denuo’s base of operations). Every year since 2005, I’ve gone to Grant Park to listen to bands, eat rib sandwiches, and spend more time outside than anyone with Irish ancestry should. Every year since 2005, I’ve written a recap of the bands I saw and the overall experience. The first couple years I would just e-mail the reviews and anecdotes of 20 hours worth of music to some friends, none of which are music fans. Last year, on an old blog, I took my reviews public.”

That’s the intro I wrote for my Lollapalooza 2009 recap.  It’s as true today as it was back then.  What happened to my 2010 recap?  I missed Lolla to go get married. Priorities.

Does that mean I spent my 1 year anniversary at a music festival?  You know it! (puts up hand for high five)

Join me now as I take a timeout from writing about sports to write about another one of my loves; music (and rib sandwiches).

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