Archive for August, 2010


Posted by Eric Bee | August 30, 2010


Forget badges, achievements, connections, engagement, and all those other gaming mechanics you’ve seen across countless media blogs and marketing presentations. Today, we’re going to talk about the most important part of the gaming toolbox. The one thing that you cannot forget about when appropriating the gaming space and all the tools and tricks that lay within.

You can never, ever forget about The Fun.

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Posted by Matt Story | August 11, 2010


The latest must have app on the iPad has to be Flipboard. It is equal parts content aggregator and magazine for those that haven’t had hands-on time yet which doesn’t sound too groundbreaking. It becomes very interesting because it integrates content from your social networks into other pre-selected news/content sources (e.g. Wired, Fast Company, etc.).

My relationship with this new app darling got off to a rocky start. As with most initial courtings, Flipboard was playing hard to get. While the early access to those general sources was cool, the real attractive feature (the social integration customized to my virtual circle) was hidden in a walled off garden. Unfortunately, the overwhelming demand for access meant I would be forced to wait on a list, which is the digital equivalent of a line. I hate lines. Needless to say, my first impression was not off to a good start despite the obvious potential of the app.

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REMINDER: Technology is Magic

Posted by Benny Torres | August 10, 2010


I recently upgraded to the iPhone 4. I was waiting for the white one but I could wait no longer. Especially after this rather curt press release outlining that the white iPhone was delayed again and would be available “later this year.”

So I hopped over to the Apple Store last week, waited in line (!!), and got my new phone. I was expecting to love it. I mean I’m a sucker for all Apple design (especially in the Jon Ives era) and I loved my 3GS. What I wasn’t expecting was to be reminded, ever so humbly, of Clarke’s third law.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

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Posted by Eric Bee | August 9, 2010


Reflecteur 65 looks into new and exciting ways digital culture brings us together and sets us apart, whether its the data from social media sites mapping our mood and location, markets catering to a specific person’s need online, or separating our social feeds by friends and ex-significant others. Also, fingerpainting with an iPad and Denuo’s foray into social gaming, via FarmVille and organic foods.

Download the latest issue here.

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Lollapalooza Day One

Posted by Dan Buczaczer | August 9, 2010


Unfortuntately,  I only made it to the first day this year so let’s hope my concert-going colleagues will follow up with their take on the other two days.  Here’s my take on Friday – the day you couldn’t throw a glo-stick without hitting someone dressed in oversized sunglasses and lace stockings.

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