Omegle: Stranger Danger!
Posted by Eric Bee | March 31, 2009Oh, digital evolution. You surprise me every day. Today, you brought to my attention this little gem of a website called OMEGLE.COM, an online chat service that lets you talk to strangers. Forget Facebook and Myspace, which only let you communicate with people you might actually know in real life. This is the new digital hotness right here: total anonymity and an open forum for saying whatever you want to a total stranger.
However, the benefit of this site goes far beyond its intended purpose of being “a brand-new service for meeting new friends.” With my first few forays into chatting on this site, I don’t think I would be friends with anyone I’ve met on here. Hell, I’m downright frightened by some of these folks. No, this web gem is living proof of one of my favorite modern theorems ever created, via the geniuses over at Penny Arcade, and is a prime example of everything that’s right and wrong with The Internet.