Archive for January, 2009


Posted by John Rafferty | January 29, 2009

(Due to space constraints in the latest issue of PLAYed, half of my CES blurb didn’t make the cut, so I’m posting it here with bonus multimedia content.)

Staring in awe at 105″ HDTV screens usually makes up a large part of my CES experience. And with new sets touting a billion-to-one contrast ratios and really absurd 3D goggles, I thought for sure I’d be bloodshot and over-stimulated once again at the Samsung, Pioneer, and Panasonic booths; but instead, this year brought a couple of aural surprises that let my ears enjoy the CES festivities as well. Hit the jump for the audio goodness.

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Posted by Dan Buczaczer | January 28, 2009


My twenty-year high school reunion is this year (I know, surprise surprise, you thought I looked 26). I’m not looking forward to it as much as I thought I would, but not for the reasons you’re thinking. I’m not running from an awkward encounter with my Homecoming date. I haven’t assembled a crime record and most, if not all, my acne is gone (depending on the day). No, I’m just not as excited because the element of surprise is gone. The culprit? Facebook. Facebook has ruined my high-school reunion.

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Posted by Benny Torres | January 23, 2009

So we’re trying something new here at Denuology. When something noteworthy, controversial, or just plain interesting pops up in the world -we’ll try to give you our opinions on the matter in 140 characters or less. 140 characters seem to work as the limit for SMSs and Tweets – so we figured we’d give it a try as well.

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these go to eleven

Posted by Christian Kugel | January 22, 2009


I really love unintended references to the movie Spinal Tap.
In our Chicago office, we have the Flavia coffee machines – the kind that make one cup of coffee at a time. Like all of those type of machines, this one uses little individual coffee packets. I really like it – the coffee is good and it provides lots of choices, including tea, hot cocoa, etc.

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mlb saves the president(ial inauguration)

Posted by John Durbin | January 20, 2009


Like most Americans, I had the full intention of watching the inauguration proceedings of our 44th President, Barack H Obama (nice move on the H, publicist) by way of the internets. However, in what I can only assume is one in a growing series of conspiracies against me, I couldn’t get any video players to work without brutal lag time. Everywhere.

What’s that? You’re so fascinated by this story you want some details? Well ok…

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